TEFL Chiang Mai offers our basic TEFL certification is one of the most affordable accredited TEFL courses offered anywhere. (In fact the Chiang Mai course is 5,000 THB less than other Paradise TEFL locations in Thailand and about $333 USD less than other locations in Asia!)
In terms of these additional certification courses, such as Business English, it demonstrates the use of function-based lessons that are critical for your success when teaching Business English. As you can imagine, there is a vast number of differences between students studying for a college admittance exam, and those preparing for a corporate sector position.
Business English students are usually quite different from typical language school students. They are often older, more experienced, tired from a long day at work and have a definite idea about what they want and need to learn.
They are often required to take English classes if they want to progress in their company. If you are seen as being “wet behind the ears” and as having little or no knowledge of their world, you will typically be replaced rather quickly.
Some EFL teachers think that teaching Business English is the same as teaching regular English classes, but having a little business vocabulary thrown in. Some teachers think that all you might need to do is to change The book is on the desk to The report is on the photocopier. No, not good enough.
These older, more skilled business people also need you to have some interest and knowledge of the business world. You need and are expected to pique their interest and create relevant contexts for your lessons. The coursebook for this certification will lead you to those special topics that are relevant to these more demanding students. Students that often pay you 50-100% more than other EFL teachers are paid.
Experienced teachers can expect this course to take about 20 hours including the lesson plans project. New or inexperienced teachers should expect it to take longer. You are allowed one year to complete the course. Your evaluation is based on submitting lesson plans on required topics within the bounds of teaching specialized examinations. Business English is all about teaching functions lessons rather than the grammar-based lessons that CELTA or other TEFL courses teach.
TEFL Chiang Mai English Language Certification (a fully accredited and globally recognized TEFL program) strive for our students to learn not only the basics of conversational English with the latest proven strategies and methods, but share up to date pedagogy and strategies in a variety of specific teaching areas an subjects as part of our teacherscareer development through the advanced teaching certifications.
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