Monday, March 26, 2012

TEACHING ENGLISH WORLDWIDE (Pay Scales, Conditions, & Information by Region)

Teaching TEFL/TESOL Worldwide- Opportunities Abound!


Reprinted from Backpacker Magazine by TEFLChiangMai

Travel the world; experience a foreign culture; learn a new language; and improve the futures of many. This is your chance to make a difference.


For a qualified TEFL teacher, Asia offers a diverse range of teaching opportunities and experiences. There is a huge demand for native English speaking TEFL teachers, so there is never a shortage of jobs, and salaries are amongst the highest in the industry. If you hold a degree (not specifically a teaching degree) and a TEFL certificate, you will find it incredibly easy to obtain a position in the country of your choice.

Some countries “overlook” the need for a degree, and focus more on a TEFL qualification, provided it is not an online qualification or from a TEFL course of less than 4 weeks’ duration.  Salaries for TEFL teachers vary from country to country, depending largely on the cost of living.  However, no matter where you teach, you will always find a great variety of cultural experiences.  Asia has something for everyone – from the hustle and bustle of the big cities, to the peace and tranquility of the rural areas.  Teachers are held in high regard in Asia, and students are very respectful.


TEFL in Thailand

  • Average TEFL teacher salary: 25,000-55,000 Baht/mth
  • Main TEFL locations: Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Hat Yai, Suratthani, Ayudhya, Khon Kean
  • TEFL job opportunities: Thailand is alive with TEFL teaching opportunities and is without doubt one of the easiest places in Asia to find TEFL teaching work. The demand for English remains extremely high. A degree is usually asked for, but in reality, there are many TEFL positions available to anyone with an internationally recognised TEFL certificate.
  • Opportunities exist in a number of areas: Government and private schools, universities, colleges, private language schools, international schools, businesses, the tourism industry.  TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, SAT and other such test-preparation classes are also very popular.  Private tutoring is also in high demand, and can be a great income supplement to the TEFL teacher.
  • Thai students are extremely motivated to learn, and hold teachers in high esteem.  Their sense of fun makes teaching in Thailand a very satisfying and rewarding experience.  The beauty and mystique of this country are the main reasons that it is now one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, and a focal point for TEFL teachers.


TEFL in China

  • Average TEFL teacher salary:  Vary enormously. RMB3,000-RMB8,500/mth
  • Main TEFL locations:  Nationwide
  • TEFL job opportunities: One of the largest and most densely-populated countries in the world, China is home to a variety of mysterious and influential cultures and exotic religions – all along with a colourful and engaging history. Its beauty and diversity make China a popular destination for TEFL teachers. A country looking to the future, but never forgetting its past, China is the perfect place for those looking to begin their TEFL teaching career.
  • Generally, TEFL teachers receiving visas through a school in China are not permitted to teach outside of that school. However, this is usually not a problem, since the cost of living in China is very low. Therefore, TEFL teachers in China should be able to live very comfortably on their salaries. 
  • Most TEFL teachers arrange jobs before arriving in China, normally by contacting recruitment agencies or individual employers. Positions in public colleges and universities are often pre-arranged by applying to Chinese embassies or consulates overseas, or to the International Employment Office in Beijing. It is also possible to apply to the provincial Education offices or directly to the institutes themselves (addressed to the Foreign Affairs Office, or Waiban). With China now engaged in huge levels of international trade, there is a great demand for Business English in the Chinese Commercial sector. Many companies are now setting up their own in-house English teaching programs, and recruit either from the ExPat community, or from overseas. 


 TEFL in Indonesia

  • Average TEFL teacher salary: 6,000,000-8,000,000 Rupiah/mth (in the big cities)
  • Main TEFL locations: Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Solo
  • TEFL job opportunities: Indonesia is one of the most beautiful, fascinating and culturally absorbing nations in the world.  The world’s fifth most populous nation, it has been rapidly recovering from the political and economic instability that rocked the country at the end of the 1990s. The major language schools survived the crisis and continue to be staffed by foreign teachers.
  • The best TEFL teaching prospects in Indonesia are for those who have completed TEFL training and are willing to sign a 12- or 18-month contract. Most jobs are in Jakarta, though there are also schools in Surabaya, Bandung, Yogayakarta, and Solo (among others).
  • Visas are an issue whatever the nationality. Work permit regulations are rigidly adhered to in Indonesia, and all the established schools will apply for a visa permit on your behalf. TEFL teachers must have English as their first language and be nationals of the U.S., Canada, Britain, Australia, or New Zealand. With more informal teaching positions, it is necessary to leave the country every two months.



TEFL in Japan

  • Average TEFL teacher salary: ¥220,000 – ¥320,000 per month
  • Main TEFL locations: Tokyo, Osaka
  • TEFL job opportunities: The prospect of working in Japan attracts thousands of TEFL teachers each year. The demand for English remains strong, although recession in the late 1990s resulted in the closure of some major companies, when fewer Japanese people were willing to pay for expensive English lessons. Consequently, competition for teaching jobs has become more acute. Be prepared to spend a sizeable sum of money while conducting the job hunt, because of the high cost of living in Japanese cities. Once established, the financial rewards can be considerable.
  • There are several different options open to people looking for a TEFL teaching job: eikaiwa schools, the JET program and private primary, secondary and third-level schools. Once you’ve got yourself established with a job and a valid visa status, there is also the possibility of teaching lessons privately.
  • The most common means of recruitment after the internet is by advertising in English language newspapers.  A university degree is a requirement in order to obtain a work permit to teach.

 TEFL in South Korea

  • Average TEFL teacher salary: 1.8 – 2.5 million Won/Month (Approx $1500-$3000 USD / Month)
  • Main TEFL locations: Seoul, Pusan
  • TEFL job opportunities: South Korea now rivals Japan as one of the busiest TEFL teaching destinations in Asia. With an estimated 100,000 institutes offering English lessons of some sort, the demand for native-speaking English teachers is huge. TEFL teachers should be careful about accepting the first Korean job offer that comes their way. While Korea boasts some of the most attractive TEFL teaching positions anywhere in the world, it is gaining a reputation for some of the worst. Most teaching opportunities exist in Private Language Institutes (Hakwons), and conditions, contracts and salaries vary enormously between employers. The number of Hakwons that close within a few weeks of opening is alarming, as is the number of teachers leaving Korea with stories of contract and pay hassles.  A degree and a TEFL certificate are required.
  • TEFL teaching opportunities can also be found in corporate in-house language programs, universities, public relations and advertising companies, and of course, private tutoring.
  • Korea is a fascinating country in which to spend a year or two teaching English. And while most teachers experience serious culture-shock on arrival, they generally return home with very positive memories.


TEFL in Taiwan

Average TEFL teacher salary: NT$40,000-NT$60,000/mth

  • Main TEFL locations:  Taipei
  • TEFL job opportunities: Until the early ’90s, Taiwan was a place where just about anyone could find a well-paid TEFL teaching job. Private language schools (or ‘Buhsibans’), which cram students for university entrance, were on every Taipei street corner. The situation changed when a combination of new government legislation on teachers working illegally, regional economic factors, and the devastating earthquake of October 1999 contrived to dampen the market for English, putting many Buhsibans out of business. But there is still a significant demand for native-speaking TEFL teachers in Taiwan, with many of the TEFL positions involving teaching younger learners. Most Taiwanese employers prefer to recruit locally, and few advertise overseas. The majority require teachers to have at least some kind of TEFL qualification.
  • Taiwan might not have quite the allure for teachers it used to, but it remains a fascinating and rewarding place to spend time teaching English.

TEFL in Singapore

  • Average TEFL teacher salary: S$2500-S$5000/mth
  • Main TEFL locations:  Statewide
  • TEFL job opportunities: Teaching EFL in Singapore is comparable to teaching EFL in other Asian countries like Taiwan and Korea, with the exception that it is not as lucrative. TEFL teaching positions are available in both private and government schools. The difference between Singapore and other Asian countries is that Singapore is supposedly an English speaking country. Singlish (Singaporean English) is widely spoken, but is so grammatically different to International English, that it may as well be a separate language. Many students in private language schools attend classes not to learn English, but to learn correct grammar and improve their pronunciation. International schools pay well, but only hire qualified and experienced teachers.  A degree and a TEFL certificate are required.
  • The cost of living in Singapore is quite high, so it’s not a place where TEFL teachers can save money.

TEFL in Malaysia

  • Average TEFL teacher salary: R2,000 – R4,000/mth
  • Main TEFL locations:  Kuala Lumpur, Penang
  • TEFL job opportunities: Malaysia has a well-established and generally high-quality TEFL market, which provides good pay rates and conditions for teachers who manage to secure work there. Unfortunately, tight work visa regulations have made it difficult for TEFL teachers who do not hold an MA to find work in Malaysia. English is taught as a second language in all Primary and Secondary schools (often as early as Year 1), so many Malaysian teenagers and young adults have a relatively good command of the language.
  • A lot of the TEFL teaching is only part-time, which normally means teachers have to supplement their income with private lessons. These are easy to find, as there are plenty of Malaysians who dream of studying at university in the US, Australia or the UK.

TEFL in Vietnam

  • Average TEFL teacher salary: US$15-$25/hr, in a good school or university (normally requiring teachers to have an internationally recognized TEFL qualification and a degree). 
    NB: Salaries may be significantly lower outside HCMC and Hanoi.
  • Main TEFL locations:  Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi
  • TEFL job opportunities:Vietnam is one of the hidden jewels of the TEFL teaching world.  English language learning, like tourism, has been late coming to Vietnam, but spurred on by the needs of its rapidly growing tourism industry, and by the possibilities of international trade in the region, the demand for English has never been greater.  TEFL teaching positions can be obtained quite easily for anyone with a TEFL certificate, however more recently, degrees are becoming necessary for a visa.  Obtaining a visa can be a frustrating process.  Most TEFL teachers arrive on a tourist visa, then once a teaching position has been obtained, the school sponsors the teacher in order to obtain a working visa.
  • Most of the TEFL teaching jobs are in Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi, in language schools, teaching students of all ages.  There is also work in universities, but the pay is generally lower than in language schools.  Your money goes a long way in Vietnam, so TEFL teachers find that they can easily save money and enjoy the lifestyle.

TEFL in Laos

  • Average TEFL teacher salary: US$10-US$13/hr
  • Main TEFL locations:  Vientiane, Luang Prabang
  • TEFL job opportunities: Laos’ country-feel is very friendly and accommodating. The people are warm and hospitable and life here is very comfortable. In the past few years many language institutes have popped up Vientiane, and to a lesser extent, Luang Prabang. These schools generally pay well, on a per hour basis, but it is difficult to get full time work. They also don’t supply housing, and sometimes don’t supply a work visa.
  • Another option is to work at one of the bilingual schools (there are quite a few), and the pay ranges from US$600-US$1000/mth. The lower paying jobs usually provide free housing and a work visa is provided by all.
  • There are many TEFL teachers volunteering in the more rural areas of the country, where paid TEFL positions are rare.  The experience alone is more than enough reward.

TEFL in Cambodia

  • Average TEFL teacher salary: US$7-US$12/hr
  • Main TEFL locations:  Phnom Penh
  • TEFL job opportunities: TEFL teaching opportunities in Cambodia are similar to that of Laos.  Language institutes and universities in Phnom Penh are the main sources of TEFL teaching jobs. A TEFL certificate and a degree are requirements. A teaching certificate is highly recommended, though not required.  Very few contracts exist; schools rarely recruit online; and most interviews are conducted in person.
  • Again, many TEFL teachers choose to volunteer in the poorer regions.

TEFL in Hong Kong

  • Average TEFL teacher salary: Private Sector: HK$20,000-$50,000/mth. State Sector: HK$205,000-$557,000/yr (+ HK$13,000 special allowance). Freelance Teachers can earn: HK$200-$600/hr.
  • Main TEFL locations:  Hong Kong
  • TEFL job opportunities: Hong Kong offers some of the best paid TEFL teaching jobs in the world. But the island’s frenetic pace and 24/7 timetable is not for the faint-hearted.  Learning English, more than ever, is on everyone’s agenda. There is even a move to eliminate Cantonese and to establish English and Putonghua (modern Standard Chinese) as the only two languages of instruction in the Hong Kong Education system.
  • Opportunities for TEFL teachers abound in English language schools, English-medium schools and universities. The British Council in Hong Kong employs a significant number of TEFL-certified teachers on its summer programs.  The Hong Kong Government’s Native-speaking English Teacher (NET) scheme is another source of well-paid TEFL teaching work for teachers interested in working for 2 years in one of the island’s Public Secondary Schools. The ‘Enhanced NET Scheme’, in operation since 1988/9, annually undertakes to place one native-speaking English teacher in every Public Sector Secondary school with fewer than 40 classes, and two teachers in every Secondary School with more than 40 classes. The Government has also recently decided to employ 400 native-speaking English teachers in the island’s Primary school sector.  There are very few opportunities for TEFL teachers who do not have at least 2 years’ teaching experience and an internationally recognized TEFL Certificate. Many institutions now stipulate that applicants must have a TEFL Diploma or a higher level qualification such as an MA TEFL.

 TEFL in Nepal

  • Average TEFL teacher salary:  Low, unless employed by British Council or language schools.
  • Main TEFL locations:  Kathmandu, Patan, Bhakatpur
  • TEFL job opportunities: Nepal may not be the most obvious place for a TEFL job search, but you’d be surprised. There are quite a few opportunities for TEFL teachers with an open mind and an interest in the rich cultural experience this country has to offer. There is a significant demand for teachers who have experience teaching younger learners, with numerous positions, many of them voluntary, in State and Private school sectors.
  • Volunteer placement organizations such as the Peace Corps, the Fulbright Commission and the Voluntary Services Organization (VSO) are very active out here, and the British Council has a teaching operation in Kathmandu.  The natural beauty of the surrounding landscape, the jostling crowds, the bullock carts and the noisy street markets are more than enough to render a teaching stint in Nepal one of the most memorable of your career – not to mention the delightful Nepalese students.

TEFL in India

  • Average TEFL teacher salary: 10,000–13,000 rupees/mth
  • Main TEFL locations:  Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore
  • TEFL job opportunities: India is the third largest English speaking country in the world and the language is quickly becoming essential to the business community. Demand for TEFL teachers is therefore becoming relatively high, but the market can be competitive.  There are quite a few language schools opening up in the major cities, and TEFL teaching opportunities abound within the business sector.
  • India’s sprawling cities offer a unique and unforgettable experience to TEFL teachers, one that you’ll never forget.


The EFL teaching situation in most parts of Africa is minimal. Many ex-colonies of Britain use English as the medium of instruction in state schools and so most teachers are locals.  In North Africa, most TEFL jobs are in Egypt and Morocco, although you sometimes also see jobs in available in Tunisia. In both Egypt and Morocco, the only jobs worth considering are with universities or with American and British language schools. In Egypt, there are good schools in Cairo and Alexandria, while in Morocco there are schools in most major cities. Most jobs allow a comfortable lifestyle but no real savings.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, it is extremely difficult to find TEFL jobs. Very experienced and qualified EFL teachers may be able to find jobs in US language institutes. For other teachers, the only jobs worth considering are those arranged through aid organizations/programs.

TEFL and degree qualifications are pre-requisites for teaching at the university level; requirements for teaching experience depend on the particular institution or country. The demand is high for instructors who are qualified to teach English for academic purposes and technical and business English, as well as for specialists in curriculum design, teacher training, material development, and administration. Salaries are modest and vary according to the type of teaching institution.

There is some work available in South Africa, but as many of their citizens speak English as a native language, opportunities for non-South Africans are somewhat limited.

Some opportunities exist in almost all countries, but the only African nations where there is any significant scope for working in private language schools, or institutes, are detailed below:

TEFL in Egypt

  • Average TEFL teacher salary: US$5-US$15/hr
  • Main TEFL locations:  Cairo, Alexandria, Heliopolis, Maadi, Zamalek
  • TEFL job opportunities: As an EFL teaching destination, Egypt has a lot to offer. Historically and archeologically, it has few equals.  From an EFL teaching perspective, it represents some of the best paid teaching positions in North Africa – particularly in the Sinai Desert.  Big cities such as Cairo and Alexandria also offer plenty of job opportunities for the EFL teacher. Most institutions require an internationally recognized TEFL Certificate, and teachers who have taught Business English or younger learners should have no problem finding work.
  • The British Council has offices in Cairo and Alexandria, and other reputable institutions such as International House and the American University are also present out here.
  • In prosperous residential areas like Heliopolis, Maadi, and Zamalek anyone who can cultivate contacts can set up private lessons.
  • There are far fewer restrictions for women in Egypt than in many of the other Muslim countries of North Africa and the Middle East, which makes this land of the Pharaohs, the Pyramids and the Sphinx a viable proposition for any EFL teacher looking for an exotic teaching assignment in an unforgettable place.

TEFL in Kenya

  • Average TEFL teacher salary: KS450-KS500/hr
  • Main TEFL locations:


  1. while teaching English in morocco or worldwide people always wanted a high pay scale for them but you should also be aware of the region where you are going for a teaching and be ready with your some good conditions as well.

    1. Sharing education stuff is really good to aware knowledge to other. I am student and I always finding education stuff that help in my study. And enhance my knowledge from reading different types of blogs.

      Online MBA

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. There's quite a scale of pay in these countries, to get the top dollar and work in the better paid countries you are advised to investigate TEFL certifications
